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Saturday, April 14, 2007

SAJC has done it again!

SAJC has done it yet again! 70% of As, Bs and Cs in the 2006 Project Work!
A truly wonderful standing against the likes of other JCs in Singapore. Truly the significance of our PW results reflects very much on the students of SAJC and the fact that the administration is overjoyed at the fact that the entire cohort passed and 70% of us obtained As, Bs and Cs there should be little reason for us to feel dissatisfied. So to those of you who are dissatisfied, disappointed and feel distaste about the PW results please do not be. Instead, we should all rejoice with the same mood that the administration is doing since obtaining results like these has already become something that they are proud of. To sum up this post, let us move forward and continue in the true spirit of our school - Up and On!

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Presenting: The Gang

3SG Ashiq Chu
CPL Brendan Sieow
2LT Brien Seah
3SG Eugene Chong
CPL Eugene Chum
3SG Daryl Tay
CPL Tan Weiyu
3SG Jeremy Ho
CPL Jia Hao
PTE Jordan Chia
PTE Nigel Teh
3SG Shi Wei

Proud to be Josephians for life
Embraced Sainthood
Training to be SOLDIERS of the SAF

Now engaging in
Sex, Booze and Rock n' roll, and bladdy NS


The Gang

Eugene Chum
Jia Hao
Shi Wei
Wei Yu
Eugene Chum's Gallery
Ashiq's Flickr

Don't forget to book in on time!