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Monday, June 4, 2007

Post-BT2 Activity

The SJI-SAJC Academic Team sincerely hopes that all of you are studying hard and well to obtain a fair result for the BT2 exams so that we can prove to ourselves that "our lives are (not) ruined". Hence, as a form of incentive to encourage all of you to push forward in this ever-trying time, the Academic Team and the Aesthetics Team are working together to hold a joint event that would prove to be a spectacular for the year 2007. Presenting to you.. The Simpsons Movie.

Picture courtesy of

The SJI-SAJC Academic/Aesthetics Team

Presenting: The Gang

3SG Ashiq Chu
CPL Brendan Sieow
2LT Brien Seah
3SG Eugene Chong
CPL Eugene Chum
3SG Daryl Tay
CPL Tan Weiyu
3SG Jeremy Ho
CPL Jia Hao
PTE Jordan Chia
PTE Nigel Teh
3SG Shi Wei

Proud to be Josephians for life
Embraced Sainthood
Training to be SOLDIERS of the SAF

Now engaging in
Sex, Booze and Rock n' roll, and bladdy NS


The Gang

Eugene Chum
Jia Hao
Shi Wei
Wei Yu
Eugene Chum's Gallery
Ashiq's Flickr

Don't forget to book in on time!